MoMo was founded by Taos Jeweler Moriah Stanton. Moriah’s vision is to create a frequently changing space to feature her work and other carefully curated Taos artists alongside other brilliant artisans from around the globe. Moriah has spent a good part of her life traveling the world and living in places like New York City, Martha’s Vineyard, The Hampton’s, Santa Fe, Northern California, Spain and Mexico. Having largely grown up in Taos (born in Santa Fe) in and around the art scene as a curious adolescent, it left a lasting impression on Moriah and she seeks to be continuously expansive in her concept of showcasing various artistic genres including small production sustainable clothing brands, fine hand crafted furniture, textiles, exotic baskets, ceramic fine art, and more… MoMo is located in a 19th century historic hacienda-style adobe home on Bent street, right in the heart of downtown Taos.


Instagram: @momo_taos @momo_taos_lifestyle

Facebook: MoMo Taos